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Sex Pistols - The Filth & The Fury (2024)

Autor Tema: Sex Pistols - The Filth & The Fury (2024)  (Leído 446 veces)

Desconectado manati

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Sex Pistols - The Filth & The Fury (2024)
« en: Abril 29, 2024, 05:56:09 pm »
Sex Pistols - The Filth & The Fury (2024)

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01. God Save The Queen (03:19)
02. Submission (04:10)
03. Don't Give Me No Lip, Child (03:27)
04. Watcha Gonna Do About It (01:53)
05. Road Runner (03:41)
06. Substitute (03:06)
07. Seventeen (02:01)
08. Anarchy In The UK (03:31)
09. Pretty Vacant (03:15)
10. Did You No Wrong (03:10)
11. Liar (02:40)
12. EMI (Unlimited Edition) (03:10)
13. No Feelings (Take 1 / Chris Spedding Session / 1976) (02:50)
14. I Wanna Be Me (03:04)
15. Problems (Chris Spedding Session / 1976) (04:10)
16. Holidays In The Sun (03:20)
17. Bodies (03:02)
18. No Fun (06:21)

Formato: Mp3 320 Kbps

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